A proud moment for Septodont

Olivier Schiller, CEO of the Septodont Group, has won the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award 2022 for Ile-de-France in the Family Business category.

The EY regional Entrepreneur of the Year award recognizes Septodont’s entrepreneurial achievements under Olivier Schiller’s leadership and the group’s ability to build a long-term, multigenerational legacy.

“It is an honor to receive this distinguished award and be recognized by EY as Entrepreneur of the Year, especially this year as the Group celebrates its 90th anniversary”, said Olivier Schiller.

“Our journey started in 1932 with my grandparents who identified a need that no existing business addressed at that time and determined a solution for that need. And it continued with my father who developed Septodont throughout the world. Since then, the company has grown, evolved and seen considerable development. I am immensely proud of how far we’ve come and thankful to the innovative, committed and simply talented employees, past and present, who made us the global leader we are today.”

“EY’s recognition in the Family Business category is an even greater honor for me as it also shines a light on the many strengths of family businesses like Septodont such as their strong sense of purpose, their willingness to continually reinvent themselves, their determination to have a positive impact on both their communities and their environment, as well as their essential contribution to economic growth and job creation.”

Congratulations to our CEO on receiving this award. In June, the company has also been awarded the Golden Trophy in the Health, Pharma, Biotech and Medtech category at the Growth Companies Summit in France.

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